The Fine Print.

Someone recommended we should have some fine print. So this is it. Essentially we want to communicate that we do this mahi because we are passionate about supporting local music and the musicians who bring the good stuff. We are not paid to do what we do and we don’t make money doing it, so if we are slightly delayed in getting back to you, or uploading something, just know that we’ll get to it as soon as we can and we mean well. We have day jobs and children - the usual adulting stuff that sometimes gets in the way of good intentions.

We also want to point out that we reserve the right to not publish anything that is obviously not adding to the local music scene in Kāpiti. We are working towards a common goal, so we’re not here to make anyone’s life difficult - we just want to protect what is truly local for our music community. If it doesn’t make sense for Kāpiti we’ll just whistle quietly, turn our heads the other way and pretend it never happened. No drama, eh?

Think that’s about it.

No lawyers were involved in writing this fine print. Was that a mistake?